Maximising Your Curb Appeal
5 ways to boost your home’s curb appeal.
There are multiple advantages to having an attractive exterior and curb side appeal.
For instance, a carefully maintained yard or a striking garden design can enhance your property's perceived worth by over 10%. A pleasing façade can also be a motivating factor for prospective purchasers.
House Number:
If your number is not seen, chances are a buyer may miss seeing your property.
Display your number so it can be seen from your street frontage.
The size should be relevant to where it is positioned.
Locate your number on the letterbox or on the front of your property.
We recommend a strong material like stainless steel, brass, aluminium and preferably not stickers.
Secured well and in good condition.
Pathway / Front Entryway:
Give your buyers’ the direction to your front door. This pathway will lead your buyer to view more of what your home has to offer.
It’s the entryway to your property.
This pathway should be visible from the curb side.
An easy, well maintained pathway can be achieved using concrete, pavers, pebbles, stepping stones etc.
This pathway should start from your fence line and work its way towards your front door.
Gardens and Lawns:
Wow your buyers with a well-maintained, lush and easy garden for them to enjoy.
It is also important to pay attention to the council strip outside of your property, the land between your street and your fence.
Green, lush grass will have a dramatic impact on the overall look of your home.
Grass loves water and a regular mow, paying attention to the edges, instantly improves the look of the overall area.
Cut back overgrown plants, shrubs and trees.
Remove any unattractive plants, fallen leaves and especially any unsightly weeds.
The look of your garden may benefit by planting in some new plants.
Fresh mulch is like the finishing touch to your garden. It helps the colour of the plants ‘pop’ and gives the feeling of a ‘new’ garden.
Giving your garden this detailed attention, the front (and back) of your property will instantly be enhanced in its look and feel.
If its council clean up time – take the rubbish to the tip yourself and maybe your neighbours can help by doing the same.
Clean / Paint the exterior of your home:
If your budget allows; a fresh coat of paint spells ‘new’.
If your budget is limited, a house wash will remove all excess dirt, giving more of a clean look to the outside of your property.
Pay attention to the cleanliness of windows and surrounds.
Do your gutters need to be cleaned and removed of leaves?
Some buyers just want to move straight in.
Buyers will be calculating any costs needed to repair what they see, potentially resulting in them making an offer less than accepted.
Is your guttering and roof in good condition. Are there any, cracks or damages to the outside of your home that need repairing?
Get in touch for an obligation-free quote today.